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dentelles d'encre / Ink Lace
17 novembre 2005

Des paniers remplis de trésors...

La scène se passe vers la fin du XVIIIe siècle, au palais de Catherine de Russie, et donne une petite idée des occupations des femmes de chambre (demoiselles de compagnie?) :

The abbess folded the pages of her Bible over the letter. The femmes de chambre were glancing at one another uneasily. The door to the inner chamber flew open. The covering tapestry was ripped from the wall, falling to the floor in a clatter of brass rings.

The ladies leapt up in confusion – sewing baskets upset, yarns and fabrics spilling over the floor, as Catherine barreled into the room, leaving a bevy of confused guards collecting themselves in her wake.

“Out! Out! Out!” she cried, crossing the room as she pounded a stiff roll of parchment against her open palm. The ladies-in-waiting scurried from her path, strewing bits of thread and cloth in their trail as they tripped over one another trying to reach the door. […]

- Extrait du roman The Eight, de Katherine Neville

Contribution de Kajin

dentelles d'encre / Ink Lace